The direct translation of keelvol into English means ‘to have a full throat’. In different contexts, this meaning can include a variety of emotions: being anxious, fearful, fed-up, melancholic or uncertain. An interesting aspect of this word is not only in its meaning but also in the act of saying it - it physically tightens your throat as you pronounce the word. It is thus that I felt this word encapsulates my practice this year, in both a physical and contextual sense. Through the lens of looking, and through framing situations within the mundane, and isolating elements within that framing, I emphasise the conceptual meanings that fall under keelvol.
Keelvol is a collection of photographic works which are curated into a fine art photo book. This form of presentation is specific to this project, as it allows for a personal and intensive curation of the images into pairings, and thus an intimate reading into the work. This format was inspired by the works of Rinko Kawauchi and in particular her book, Illuminance. I believe that it is important for the work speak to one another in the way that I have paired the photographs within the book, as Kawauchi pairs her photographs together, focusing either on formal elements that pair together, or creating a narrative in the way you are constructing your contemplations through the pairings. This project is thus a type of brooding self-portraiture project created through my viewfinder.
Film photography was also very specific to this project, as it became part of my practice of framing the details within the mundane. This aspect was very much inspired by William Eggleston’s work and his way of shooting within the mundane. As with Eggleston’s work, film was an important aspect of my work, in particular in capturing the mood of nostalgia, for both its stylistic look and its significance in the history of photography. I used a variety of films as well as experimenting with expired colour films. The overly saturated tones and colour palettes allow for an expressive exploration into the nostalgic reading of the images.​​​​​​​
Keelvol deals primarily with a kind of pensive longing – while never achieving satisfaction or a resolution to these feelings of desire – much like the introspection that seems to come on a Sunday afternoon. A type of reflective melancholy and contemplative anticipation for the future. In the surreal moments where these two meditations mix, it creates an instant in the present which I believe evokes the keelvol feeling within a person - the feeling of something in your throat, that you just can’t seem to swallow down.
Exhibition View
Entrance to exhibition.
Entrance to exhibition.
Exhibition details.
Exhibition details.
Exhibition details.
Exhibition details.
Bowl of super sour sweets for guests
Bowl of super sour sweets for guests
Exhibition details.
Exhibition details.
Exhibition details.
Exhibition details.
Book and print detail.
Book and print detail.
Detailed close-up of book.
Detailed close-up of book.

Acerbic, 35m film photo on Fuji Crystal Archive Matt 250gsm, Diasec Mount, 29.7x42cm, 2019. 

Grad Show - 2019, Michaelis Galleries, Cape Town
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